Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @mjgoalscoach
Here we are, it's 2019 already, the year I turn 61! Yikes time flies! As the "this is your life" card image shows, on January 1st I had to check off another year of my "Era", my life, the gift of 100 +/- 20 years that our creator, God, gifted me at conception to unfold the purpose for my brief time here in this life on earth. My purpose, by the way, I believe was also His gift to me.
You might think of this as my passion - and my passion in this life is helping other people get where they want to go in life - to manifest their passion.
Now, as you can see from the picture above, I turn 61 this year. But before we get into what that means for you, I want to build some credibility. So here's a picture of me from Christmas just a little more than a week ago. Not bad for 60 is it?

Hmmm... healthy, fit, alert, inspired, and typically mistaken for a man of about 38-40 years of age... Now you're probably thinking I just have good genes, right? And perhaps that has something to do with it. But I have to tell you that what has more to do with it is that since the age of 18 I have had a goal to stay fit, strong, healthy and slim for my entire life. This has included going to the gym/working out 4-7 days a week for 40 minutes minimum (my gym membership is my health care plan), treating food as fuel, avoiding fats that solidify at room temperature, annual checkups and doing what the doctor orders, drinking in moderation, and so on. So the real truth is - my current physical condition is really a long-term goal achieved! And that’s only one big, life-transforming goal that I have achieved. My status as a Technology Industry Executive, and Life Transformation Through Goal Achievement Coach are examples of several others. There are many more…
So here we are – January 2019. The economy is on fire, and so is the presidency, lol! We are in the final year of a decade that has included the first black president and the first reality TV president. We have witnessed the explosion of the digital, data driven, globally connected economy, where everything from Banking to Movies to Healthcare to Shopping to Tourism have moved online 24/7/365. We are now living in an age where you can’t trust everything you read in Social Media, but where Social Media has become The Media. It is a time poised to usher in the most explosive growth the world has seen during the decade of the 2020’s. The opportunities and possibilities are truly unlimited!
What does this mean for you and I?
2019 is our year, the year that we must ensure we are ready to live our best lives as we enter the decade of the 20s! We must lay a solid foundation now. There is urgency! Certainly, this is true for me. You see, I plan to make the decade of the 20s the most creative and productive 10-year period of my life, where my legacy will be landed. But that will only happen if I harness my energy, concentrate my focus, set some big goals, and execute. At 60, there's no time to waste!
Now let’s return to the “This is Your Life” card at the top of this post and understand what it means for you. Imagine your name is written at the top of that card. Now imagine that your birth year is written where you find mine above. Then start numbering each year of your life in your mind as I have, imagining that you are writing in the 2-digit year for each year of your Era, as I have done. Are you getting the picture?
Finally, see yourself in your mind's eye, checking off all the years that you have already lived. Then let the message of this post sink in. There is urgency!
If you would like to have our official “This is Your Life” worksheet which includes the card images at the top of this post and below, along with instructions for how to complete them, simply email a request for it to me at Mark.Johnson@ToletumSG.com and I will send it back to you via email reply right away!

Life Transformation through Goal Achievement - The Certain Way
Now that you have an awareness of your Era, along with a sense of urgency, lets recognize the following truths:
You cannot accomplish any goal before you were born
You cannot accomplish any goal after you have died
You have a better than 97% probability of being dead before age 100
The boundaries of your life (your Era) are the only real limits you face in life
Your Era starts on the day you were born, and has a 97% probability of ending on or before your 100th birthday – these are actual dates on the calendar
Everything else is unlimited opportunity / possibility
Within your Era, you can do anything that you can first write down as a clearly articulated goal, with a deadline for its attainment, and a plan of action to achieve
Now the ball is in your court. Do you want to change careers, find your life partner, start a business, regain your fitness and health, move to a new city or country, fix a badly damaged relationship with a loved one, double your income, drastically improve your standard or living, get your master’s degree, see the pyramids? These are big, life-transforming goals and I’m here to tell you that you can accomplish goals like these and more... Yes, you can!
Have you been struggling to figure out exactly how to get started working on goals goals like these in a way that would virtually guarantee accomplishment? I can tell you that nothing will change unless you start now doing things differently than you've been doing them.
Why not make 2019 the year that you get focused on laying a Goal Achievement foundation that will carry you into the decade of the 20s with more success and potential than you ever thought possible! The economy is going to hit a recession soon (there's nothing we can do about that), but the good news is that it won't last long - it rarely does (usually only about a year). This means that as the decade of the 20s opens we will hit a dip, then turn a corner to growth and expansion wave of opportunity that will be seized only by those that have a plan. As Winston Churchill says, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." It all starts with you and what you think.
This is more than a New Year's Resolution, it's the beginning of your Plan of Action!
To learn how you can get started right away stoking your goal achievement furnace click here and register for the next free Breaking Out of Your Box 2019 Goal Achievement Webinar - www.BreakingOutOfYourBox.com.
After you register, be inspired by this 4 minute Goal Achievement Knowledge Expansion video clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3tUp5AXLc0
#KnowlegeExpansion #GoalAchievement #Goals #NewYearsResolution #2019Goals #LifeCoach #LifeCoaching #GoalAchievementKnowledgeExpansion #Knowledgexpansion #mjgoalscoach